When we moved to our little farm in January 2008 we decided to take it slow and start out with poultry. Hon ordered Rhode Island Reds from a catalog. While we patiently waited for them, we to a flea market. Next thing we knew, we were the proud owners of a couple of brown paper sandwich bags. One had ducklings in it, the other had turkey poults. It's been 12 years since then and we still enjoy raising them. At this time, we have Dominique chickens, American Buff and Dewlap Toulouse geese, and mainly Indian Runner ducks. We also have pigeons - Runts, Kings, and some fancy ones, too. They give us eggs, make us smile, and are the eyes and ears of our farm.
We sell chicken and duck eggs from our farm and a bed and breakfast in Chillicothe, The Atwood House, makes a delicious breakfast for guests with them also. If you're in the area and looking for a fantastic place to stay, we highly recommend you check them out. Bill Hirsch has an amazing home and he's a spectacular chef, too!
We sell chicken and duck eggs from our farm and a bed and breakfast in Chillicothe, The Atwood House, makes a delicious breakfast for guests with them also. If you're in the area and looking for a fantastic place to stay, we highly recommend you check them out. Bill Hirsch has an amazing home and he's a spectacular chef, too!